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Happy Birthday!

November will mark a very special occasion in the history of The Willows.

On Monday 5th November residents and the home’s team will be celebrating The Willows 10 year anniversary with a party for all our residents and their relatives.

The entertainers have been booked, the activities and games have been planned and the kitchen team are planning a special cake and celebration buffet for the big day.

The celebrations are being planned by Activity Coordinators Chris Parsler and Ann-Marie Johnston.

Chris said: “Everyone is looking forward to the party. We all love the Willows, it is a really warm, welcoming and friendly home where everyone works to ensure our residents enjoy happy and fulfilled lives.”

Open to new residents

Woodside Resource Centre, Cavendish Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS4 3EB

The Willows

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club