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Part of the community

We understand how important it is to keep connected to your local community


Continuing to feel part of the local community is important as we age

That’s why our teams ensure residents stay connected to their community and the people they care about. Many residents come from the local community, and we’re keen for them to continue their links with local groups as much as possible.

Our homes play an active part in community life too. We invite schools and community groups such as local clubs, charities and performers to visit us regularly. Everyone gets a warm welcome.

Bringing generations together 

Intergenerational relationships can be incredibly beneficial to both younger and older people alike, providing residents with a sense of responsibility and purpose. That's why our homes work with schools, clubs and other local groups.

Sharing expert advice

We believe in playing our part in supporting people in the local community who may be caring for loved ones at home.

Throughout the year we run lots of free, informative events at our homes and welcome friends, family and the wider circle of the community to come along and join us. Keep an eye on your local care home website or get in touch with us to find out when we’re holding the next event.


Huge thank you for the informative and interesting session at Brook court.  We learned such a lot and it’s a comfort to know that you and your colleagues are there to care and help people with dementia, and their families.

Brook Court event attendee
January 2024

Our homes also develop good relationships with GPs and other local healthcare professionals to share knowledge, exchange ideas and to ensure residents have continued access to effective, high-quality care and specialist services. 

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Discover more ways homes are getting involved in their communities

Our homes play an active role in community life.

'Recipes to remember' - a cookbook created by residents

Almost two-thirds (65%) of the nation no longer use family recipes. To stop those all-important family recipes becoming forgotten, we tasked residents across the UK to tell us their favourite recipes for our first-ever recipe book

We’re also welcoming catering students and primary school pupils into our homes to enjoy cooking masterclasses from the chefs themselves – the residents. 

Care to Share

In December 2023 we launched a brand-new nationwide initiative, Care to Share, to help combat loneliness in the community during the festive season.

Studies have shown almost 1.5 million older people feel lonelier at Christmas than any other time of year. So from carol concerts to parties, festive cafes to Christmas movie screenings, our homes opened their doors to the community to celebrate the festive season together.

Care Home Open Week 2023

To celebrate Care Home Open Week, a national initiative that encourages care homes to open their doors to the community, our Care UK homes held series of festival themed events across the country.

Green-fingered fun

Many residents in our homes enjoy getting out in the garden – and it shows! Several Care UK care homes have won awards in community flower competitions.

Last August Davers Court was thrilled to be named overall champion of Bury in Bloom, the annual gardening competition in Bury St Edmunds. Glastonbury Court took home the bronze award for its incredible floral creations.