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Use of technology


Technology helps our teams provide the very best care

Care UK homes use a range of innovative devices to engage residents, and some are even specially designed to support people living with dementia. Our use of technology encourages residents to keep their minds and bodies active and helping them stay connected to their loved ones.

Living well with technology

Many of our care homes have an interactive table that residents are free to use on their own or in groups for a wide range of activities. Quizzes and games offer entertaining ways to spend a rainy afternoon while helping to keep residents’ minds sharp. Listening to music or watching a favourite short comedy clip, like Morecambe and Wise, might rekindle positive memories for residents and spark conversations.

The tables offer sensory stimulation for residents living with dementia that helps to improve cognitive function. Some even have additional resources for reminiscence, and there’s evidence that this helps to reduce boredom and distress.

Residents are welcome to use their own personal devices too. Some homes even host sessions with local school groups who provide support for residents who have questions about using their tablets or mobile phones.

Keeping you connected

We know staying connected to your loved one is important, and that’s why many Care UK homes use the Relish app. Our teams use Relish to record the activities residents are involved in, including Namaste care sessions  for those living with advanced dementia. On average, Care UK homes record 38,000 activities each month on Relish.

The app has a relative communication element that thousands of family members are already using to engage with what their loved one is doing in the home. It’s also a great way for relatives to keep in touch  with messages or by sharing pictures and building their loved one’s life history. This helps the team get to know residents even better and provide a meaningful lifestyle. It’s just one of the ways we’re improving standards of care for residents living in Care UK homes.