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Activities and outings


The sky is the limit when it comes to the activities your loved one can enjoy in a Care UK home 

With everything tailored to residents’ individual interests, every home has a different and ever-changing activity programme.


The activities team have gone above and beyond

Relative of a resident at Manor Lodge
January 2024

What activities do Care UK care homes offer?

Keeping active is important in older age, so seated exercise classes take place in most homes. Some homes have a strong fitness focus. At Mowat Court in Stonehaven, residents have enjoyed swimming sessions and dementia-friendly yoga. One gentleman has taken his love of walking to new levels – exploring different Scottish cities on foot.

Some of our homes run fantastic arts activities, while music sessions, dancing and live entertainment are popular in others – it all depends on the hobbies and interests of residents in each home. 

The Lifestyle team offers plenty of opportunities for residents to socialise with one another too, hosting pub quizzes, afternoon teas, wine and cheese evenings, themed days, fundraising, and intergenerational activities – the list goes on. 

Our teams go above and beyond to make activities inclusive and personalised to residents’ abilities, but we know that some residents simply prefer one-to-one time to group activities. Our carers are happy to spend time chatting with residents over coffee and cake or playing a game together.

For residents living with dementia, our teams are trained to provide Namaste care sessions, which are relaxing sensory experiences involving hand massages, music therapy and gentle movement. Many homes also use interactive tables that stimulate the senses and support reminiscence.

Take a look at our weekly activity plans to help give you a taste of what life is like in our homes

Our Care UK care homes offer residents a variety of engaging weekly activities, including gardening, exercise classes, baking, arts and crafts, and a host of other fun activities.



Here are 11 activities you can try with your loved one.

Getting out and about

With many of our care homes having their own minibus, they can take residents on trips out to local places of interest. Getting out and about not only gives residents the chance to enjoy fresh air and exercise, but it’s also an opportunity to socialise and explore their interests and hobbies.

Homes that are near the coast might take regular trips to walk along the seafront, while others enjoy outings to lovely green spaces or scenic river cruises. Garden centres, cosy pubs, museums and theatres are also favourites among residents.

Making wishes come true


We believe that life doesn’t stop when you start your journey into care. Care UK residents

still have goals and wishes they want to achieve, and our teams do everything they can to make these come true, whether helping them to relive a memory from their past or try something completely new.

In most homes there’s a wishing tree where residents can hang written wishes of the things they’d like to do. It’s our privilege to make these happen.

Read more about the wishing tree initiative


Activity plans are created by our lifestyle teams to incorporate the favourite hobbies and pastimes of residents living in the home. By getting to know individuals’ likes and dislikes, colleagues can provide person-centred  activities that help residents to live fulfilling lives.

Residents who have a keen interest in gardening, for example, are supported to help with pruning and weeding, while those who enjoy keeping busy in the kitchen can get involved with baking sessions or meal preparation.

Meaningful activities are activities that help older people to enjoy their time and connect with others by doing the things they love. They’re tailored to individuals’ hobbies, interests and level of need. 

Examples of meaningful activities are:

  • Revisiting favourite hobbies and past times, such as knitting, drawing or other crafts
  • Spending time outdoors in nature, such as birdwatching, walking or gardening
  • Listening to favourite music or watching a much-loved film to evoke memories
  • Cooking a favourite meal to reminisce, stay active and encourage those with little appetite to eat
  • Maintaining a sense of purpose by living as independently as possible, for example helping with the washing up or leading a class
  • Achieving lifelong goals through our wishing tree initiative

Activities provide residents living in a care home with opportunities to stay mentally and physically fit, to meet people and try new things and to find purpose doing what they love. Whether it’s live entertainment, an outing to a special place or simply a chat with a carer, activities make life in a care home more enjoyable and meaningful.

For people living with dementia, activities offer them an opportunity to reminisce about their past and relive special memories. Activities can also help people living with dementia to have more meaningful conversations or provide them with an opportunity to relax.

At Care UK, we know it’s important for older people to stay active and engaged with their favourite past-times and to also have the opportunity to try new things. 

Activities that are focused on reminiscence can help stimulate memories for older people, especially for those living with dementia. Gentle exercises can help them stay fit and active, and arts and crafts activities, such as knitting, drawing or flower arranging, can help them maintain motor skills and coordination.

Puzzles and quizzes can also be beneficial by boosting cognitive function, while group activities like gardening and games offer opportunities for social connection.

Looking for more ideas? Try these 11 activities to do with your loved one as they age.

The lifestyle teams in Care UK homes are passionate about offering residents a wide range of engaging activities to enjoy. These include:

  • Reminiscence-themed activities, like music sessions and baking
  • Gentle exercise classes, such as dancing, yoga and seated exercise
  • Arts and crafts
  • Games, puzzles and quizzes
  • Gardening 
  • Visits from entertainers
  • Outings

As part of our person-centred care approach, we get to know individuals and tailor activities to their hobbies and interests, so no two care homes offer the same activity plan.

Many of the activities and outings happening here in our homes

Read more about some of the exciting activities and outings our teams have arranged.