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Animal visit a success at Haywards Heath care home

Residents at a care home in Haywards Heath were all ears when a host of four-legged visitors hopped and trotted into the home. 

Two baby lambs, a group of chicks, and a rabbit all visited Care UK’s Martlet Manor, on Butler’s Green Road, to kick off their spring celebrations.

Residents were given a chance to handle the animals, all while learning more about the different creatures, which were brought in by the team from Pet Pals Therapy, including their personalities, favourite foods and how to look after them. 

Commenting on the visit, resident, Irene Clay, 92, said: “We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw the animals. There was great laughter from the whole room when one of the lambs jumped out of the pen.”

Sarah Barrett, Home Manager at Martlet Manor: “We loved welcoming such wonderful animals to Martlet Manor – they helped us kick off our spring celebrations in the best possible way. 

“Animal companionship has been shown to have many therapeutic advantages for older people, particularly those with dementia, as it helps lower anxiety and creates relaxing endorphins – you could see from the residents' reactions just how much they enjoyed interacting with the wonderful animals.

“We look forward to welcoming more animals of all shapes and sizes in the future!”

Designed to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives, while also promoting independence, Martlet Manor, which opened its doors in 2021, incorporates space for hobby and leisure activities. The layout of the building is configured into a series of individual suites, each having a dedicated lounge/dining room to help facilitate the creation of close-knit communities.

Open to new residents

Butlers Green Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 4DA

Martlet Manor

CQC Rating: Requires improvement
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club