Highlighted home news
Dec 21, 2021
Residents at a care home in Epsom have had no worries getting their Christmas shopping in this year, after the home brought Harrods to Epsom with their own Christmas department store.
From Christmas cards to crackers, festive jumpers and classic yuletide novels, residents at Care UK’s Appleby House, on Longmead Road, have been spoilt for choice after team members transformed the home’s conservatory into a Christmas department store, named by the residents as Appleby’s One Stop Shop.
Making up the shop’s Christmas stock are items hand-crafted by the residents themselves, including, alongside other products which have been gifted by the resident’s family and friends. The shop has been planned to have seven different departments, each selling various items, to replicate the feeling of a large department store.
Shona Bradbury, Home Manager at Appleby House, said: “We are delighted to welcome residents to our fantastic new Christmas pop-up shop – Appleby’s One Stop Shop.
“Here at Applebly House, all of the activities we organise and additions we make to the home are purposely designed to be meaningful and beneficial to the wellbeing and care of residents, while providing memorable experiences.
“In normal times, we would usually take the residents out for a festive shopping day in London, but the pandemic and restrictions have allowed us to be a little more creative with this year’s Christmas shopping spree. The department store has been a tree-mendous success and has brought much festive joy to residents and team members – I’ll certainly be popping in for my last-minute gifts!”
Appleby House has been designed to encourage residents to live active and fulfilling lives, while remaining as independent as possible in a safe environment. The modern care home provides full-time residential, nursing and specialist dementia care.
To find out more about Appleby House, please call 0333 4343 002 or email Home Manager, Shona Bradbury, at shona.bradbury@careuk.com.
For more general information, visit careuk.com/appleby-house.
Longmead Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 9RX
Appleby House