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Top care rating by residents at Mills Meadow

Residents at Mills Meadow care home in Framlingham have had their say in the 2014 Your Care Rating Survey.

The home received an Overall Performance Rating (OPR) of 966 out of 1,000, which is one of the highest scores in the UK.

The Your Care Rating survey is one of the UK’s largest and most authoritative surveys of care home residents. The survey looks at areas such as staff and care, home comforts, having a say and quality of life. Residents at Mills Meadow rated 900 or higher in each of the survey areas.

Sue Hill, home manager at Mills Meadow, said: “It’s great that residents value the care they receive at Mills Meadow. Our scores across the four areas are really positive, which shows that life for our residents is happy and fulfilling.

“Whilst we’re really pleased with our scores, we obviously want to get even better and the survey helps us do that by giving us direct resident feedback. Families can also see at a glance which care homes are committed to raising standards and being transparent as they take part in the survey. Every care home resident should be able to speak up about their care and this is what the Your Care Rating survey does – it gives them a voice.”

The results of Mills Meadow, alongside results for every other care home that took part, can be viewed in full on the Your Care Rating website. The survey was undertaken for Your Care Rating by leading research company Ipsos MORI.