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Model “Queen” star of Tall Trees jubilee celebrations

We had a model guest at our Jubilee garden party – the Queen herself!

The Oxfam charity shop in Colchester lent us one of their mannequins which we dressed up and styled as the Queen and put in our reception area to meet and greet staff, residents and their relatives on arrival.

“Her majesty’s” clothes and accessories were picked and donated by residents who also helped with decorating the units using red, white and blue balloons, bunting and flags.

Due to the weather the party was held indoors and instead of a barbecue we cooked the burgers and sausages in the oven. Staff helped to make cakes in the morning and as the party had to be split up we then had to bake another cake so we had one on each unit. Company director Violet Kotu made sure we had a second cake in no time decorated with blueberries and strawberries in the design of the union jack.

Residents invited their family and friends and there was a visit from the vicar and music from one of our resident’s grandsons Alfie and Joe who played their euphoniums dividing their time between the units. There was a jubilee quiz with the winner being Mr Williams with the prize of 2 bottles of wine. As well as everyone wearing red, white and blue, hats and tiaras were given out to all residents, visitors and staff.


Open to new residents

Oaks Place, Mile End Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5XR

Tall Trees

CQC Rating: Good
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Day club