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Driving quality care at Catherine Court

Experts in award winning care in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Experts in award winning care in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire|With 40 years’ experience,
Care UK are experts in delivering award winning care|Care UK is the most awarded care home provider for the last three years|Discover why Care UK is trusted to care by over 9,000 families


Driving quality care at Catherine Court

We are pleased to have been rated ‘Good’ on our latest internal regulatory compliance inspection.

At Catherine Court, we are committed to ensuring the service we provide is of the highest quality.

Led by a steadfast management team and monitored and regulated by Care UK’s internal governance panel, our robust service improvement plan now validates that the care we provide is of the highest standard across Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well-led.

We are pleased to have been rated overall ‘Good’ on our latest internal governance inspection.

 Delivering a well-led service

The internal governance team report that the new leadership at Catherine Court is visible, open, honest and transparent, with a clear vision and set of values that are regularly reviewed. 

  • The management team communicate openly with colleagues, residents, and their relatives, acting in an open, honest and transparent way.
  • Through our whole-home approach colleagues are actively involved in driving service improvements and proposing of new ways of working. 
  • There are supportive, cooperative and appreciative relationships between colleagues throughout the home.
  • Records are updated in a timely manner and follow robust arrangements to ensure the appropriate handling of confidential data, in line with data security standards.
  • Quality of service is a key focus for all team members, with staff aware of potential risks that may compromise this. 
  •  Audits and surveys identify areas of service improvement with clear plans of action implemented and followed up. 

Delivering a safe service

Since our latest CQC inspection, internal governance inspections report that our safeguarding and investigations process is robust and residents, relatives and colleagues are encouraged and empowered to raise concerns.

We continue to review our systems, processes, and practices to ensure the safe delivery of care to residents living in the home: 

  • Risk assessments are consistently conducted and identified risks are included in resident care plans where appropriate.
  • Staffing levels are evaluated consistently, based upon resident dependency and occupancy in the home and suites are staffed with an appropriate skills mix. Unplanned absence is managed effectively and if agency staff must be appointed, they have a thorough induction. 
  • Safe administration, storage and disposal of medications is practised, with regular audits from Healthcare Professionals. We work with external providers for prescribed medication supply and delivery and where there are shortfalls or delays in supply, thorough investigations are conducted, and actions planned to mitigate this occurring again. 
  • Infection prevention and control (IPC) is maintained, spearheaded by IPC Lead, with effective use of PPE (personal protective equipment) and teams trained in managing and preventing the spread of infection. 
  • Staff understand their responsibility to raise concerns and to record incidents, with thorough investigations conducted and lessons learned and shared with the wider team. 

Delivering an effective service

Following our latest inspection, the internal governance team report that residents’ care, treatment and support needs are assessed and delivered in line with relevant legislation, standards and guidance to achieve effective outcomes. 

  • Residents' needs and preferences are included in assessments and planned care is delivered as per residents’ preference. 
  • Decisions are care are non-discriminatory, planned and delivered in accordance with the Equality Act. 
  • Staff receive up-to-date, regular training with knowledge and competence regularly assessed, and support given to in order to perform their roles to the highest standard. 
  • Residents have a comprehensive eating and drinking care plan in place, informed by their care needs as well as cultural/religious need and preferences. All food is nutritionally balanced, and mealtime experience meets residents’ needs.
  • Residents' healthcare needs are regularly monitored alongside internal and external healthcare professionals.
  • The environment in the home is accessible, meeting residents’ needs, with residents involved in decision making about their environment and adaptations put in place where needed.
  • Residents' independence is encouraged and consent is sought ahead of care delivery. 

Delivering a caring service

Internal governance teams report that our team engage with residents in a way which is kind, compassionate and caring, always meeting their personal needs. Our team display concern for people’s wellbeing in a caring and meaningful way, and respond to their needs quickly. 

  • Care delivered is always person-centred, with residents’ life history considered, to inform the way they choose to live their life in the home.
  • Where difficulty is experienced, the team seek more appropriate means of communication. 
  • Residents, their families and other carers are able to access information about relevant external bodies, community organisations and advocacy services, and our team support them in contacting them.
  • Residents’ privacy and dignity is maintained, with staff acting in a timely and appropriate manner where physical pain, discomfort or emotional distress is displayed.
  • Residents are encouraged and supported to maintain relationships that are important to them and their wellbeing.
  • Residents’ personal information is kept securely and confidentially. 

Delivering a responsive service

Internal governance teams report that our care assessment procedures are responsive to residents’ needs, preferences, aspirations and take into account life histories. 

  • The team identifies and meets the information and communication needs of people with a disability or sensory loss.
  • Regular, suitable activities are offered that meet residents’ preferences and social needs.
  • Suitable activities are regularly offered to residents that reside in their rooms, to avoid social isolation. 
  • Relatives and residents have regular opportunities to review the service and provide feedback, with feedback actioned appropriately and in a timely manner by the team.
  • All residents have an end of life care plan in place which includes their wishes, preferences and spiritual and religious needs.


The carers are extremely well trained. My loved one is very limited in how she can communicate so the carers have to read her body language and they do a fantastic job… they provide one-to-one care 24 hours a day. I know the care team well, we often chat when I visit and they always keep me up to speed regarding what is happening with my loved one, and if there is anything wrong they inform me immediately.  I am very happy with the care provided, and very grateful.

Relative of a resident 
Catherine Court, March 2024


My loved one is well cared for, always clean and well presented. The staff are very friendly and they call me from time to time to let me know how she is getting on. I appreciate their openness, they don’t beat around the bush… they are honest and keep me well informed. And there is a wide variety of activities available... they don't push her to participate, but they know what she likes and encourage her... she enjoys it!Relative of a resident 
Catherine Court, March 2024

Our commitment to quality care

Led by our expert management team, we have implemented a robust service improvement programme that ensures the care we provide is of the highest standard in all areas. We are pleased to have been rated overall ‘Good’ on our latest internal governance inspection.

Our commitment to quality care