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Essex care home resident receives award for 65 years of selling poppies


A 91-year-old Essex care home resident has been recognised by The Royal British Legion for 65 years of service selling poppies.

Winsome Grimwood, 91, a resident at Care UK’s Colne View on Dame Mary Walk was applauded by The Royal British Legion for her decades of outstanding contributions to raise funds for the charity. 

Bob Cook, from The Royal British Legion presented Winsome with the award, where she was joined by her friends who are also long-standing poppy collectors. One of her friends, Janet Smith, also received an award for 40 years of service collecting for poppies – bringing their combined service total to 105 years.

Winsome’s husband left the Navy in 1952 with tuberculosis (TB) and Winsome recalled how the British legion helped her husband receive a pension. To say thank you, Winsome decided to start selling poppies, which she continues to do today. 

While the total amount of money Winsome has raised over the years is unknown, her remarkable efforts have not gone unnoticed. To celebrate her outstanding achievement, Colne View care home is planning to give Winsome her big moment at the home’s upcoming D-day festival.

Commenting on her recognition, Winsome said: “I’m very proud to have received this award and the recognition for my years of collection for the Legion. I look forward to collecting for the Legion for as long as I possible can.”

Monica Boldeata, Home Manager at Colne View, said: “Winsome is a much-loved resident, and it was fantastic to see her recognised for her remarkable contributions to the poppy appeal.

“We’re looking forward to celebrating Winsome at our upcoming D-day festival and giving our celebrity in-waiting the special treatment she deserves. Well done, Winsome!”

Colne View is a care home designed to deliver the very best standards of care, and to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives. The home offers a range of services including residential care, residential dementia care and respite care.

Open to new residents

Dame Mary Walk, Colchester Road, Halstead, Essex, CO9 2FF

Colne View

CQC Rating: Good
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club