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Ipswich care home enjoys a day of sport with the local community


With the Olympics underway, a local care home decided to kick off their own summer of sport with a special version of the Games.

Residents and team members at Care UK’s Asterbury Place, on Aster Road, welcomed the local community for a special day of family fun competing in traditional sports day challenges, proving Paris has nothing on Ipswich this summer.

Asterbury Place joined The Big Care UK Sports Day, which has seen over 130 Care UK homes across the UK host sports days for the local community and showcase what life in a care home is really like. 

Guests soaked up the sporting atmosphere and had the chance to win their own gold medals with an afternoon of fun and games, including egg-and-spoon races, table tennis and a bean bag toss. Visitors and residents also enjoyed a traditional barbecue prepared by the home’s talented head chef while listening to entertainment from a local performer, Sean Saye.  

Commenting on the afternoon, resident Sheila, said: “It’s been an amazing day! The family day was just that, a family day with a great atmosphere.  I enjoyed watching the sports day and taking part in the egg and spoon race.  My favourite sport is diving and swimming and I will enjoy watching that on TV. 

Victoria Barber, Home Manager at Asterbury Place, said: “Summer sports days are always a highlight for us, as not only is it a fun opportunity to compete in light-hearted games with team members, but provides an opportunity for us to welcome the local community and see what life is like here at Asterbury Place. 

“Keeping fit is important for everyone, but exercise has many additional benefits for older people, from reducing the risk of falls to increasing wellbeing and confidence. Here at Asterbury Place, we know just how important physical activity is, so we always encourage residents to stay active – and our own sporting tournament was a great way to do just that. 

“This year’s event provided plenty of laughter and enjoyment for all involved and it was great to see residents meet and mingle with lots of new faces – and some familiar ones – while keeping active. Paris has got nothing on us!”

Asterbury Place is a modern care home which provides full-time residential, nursing, dementia and end-of-life care, as well as short-term respite care. Designed to enable its residents to live enjoyable and fulfilling lives, the care home has its very own cinema and hair salon, and there is plenty of space both in and outdoors for relaxation and recreation. 

Open to new residents

76 Aster Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 0NR

Asterbury Place

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club