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Care UK shortlisted for eight National Care Awards

Care UK has been shortlisted in eight categories for the prestigious National Care Awards, including the Care Home Group Over 10 Settings category.

The National Care Awards celebrates its 25th year in 2023 and has spent quarter of a century celebrating the achievements of providers, homes, and individuals from across the care sector. 

Care UK has been recognised for its consistently high care quality ratings – with 91% of homes currently rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission – and its continued dedication to, and growth in, customer satisfaction. During this year’s surveys, 97% of residents agreed that their home was a ‘safe place to live’, and 95% of them went on to confirm, ‘staff treat me with kindness, dignity and respect’. These strong sentiments, both of which are a percentage point increase on the previous financial year, are a direct result of Care UK’s continued investment in and focus on their Fulfilling Lives approach to care and quality.

The shortlist also sees 7 individual homes recognised across various categories:

The winners will be announced during a gala dinner and awards ceremony on 24th November at the Platinum Suite, London.