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Care home residents taking part in this weekend’s birdwatching event


Once again, residents in around 50 Care UK homes are celebrating all things avian this week with the arrival of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.

Care home residents taking part in this weekend’s birdwatching event

As well as taking part in the annual survey,  over the past few years,  care home teams have used the Birdwatch weekend as an excuse to add in lots of other feathery events ranging from visits by rescued birds to trips to local nature reserves.

Care home teams know that watching and feeding wild birds can offer a range of therapeutic benefits from the sensory stimulation of the colourful sights and beautiful sounds of the garden to the opportunity to talk about memories of birds from years ago – be it robins pecking around the garden spade or feeding the ducks in the local park.

Many Care UK home teams are also using the week as an opportunity to make their gardens a little more wildlife friendly with new feeders, nest boxes and leaving areas  of grass uncut as refuges for amphibians and insects.

Care UK colleagues have also put together useful information for anyone planning their own birdwatch with older relatives including ideas for activities such as home make bird feeders and listening to birdsong.

To read more about these activities and the events planned, please see our special Birdwatch page or look at the website of your local Care UK home to see if they have any events open to local people.