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Cherry Orchard wins approval of national care inspectors


A national care watchdog has given Cherry Orchard the seal of approval, with relatives and residents praising its caring and attentive team members. 

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) report gave Cherry Orchard an overall ‘good’ rating, following an unannounced inspection. 

The home received ‘good’ ratings in all five categories, including safety, effectiveness, level of care, responsiveness and having a well-led service. 

Inspectors commended the consistent warm and kind interactions between the team and residents, with the team members described as being cheerful and uplifting. Spontaneous singing and dancing between the residents and the team was also praised. One relative said: "They all love music here and I've seen lots of singing and dancing. It's a happy place.”

The inspector noted that Activity Based Care was at the heart of Cherry Orchard’s ethos. Residents were encouraged to participate in outdoor activities in the home’s garden. The report highlighted the themed sheds which had been adapted into different shops, as well as a chicken coop where residents are encouraged to feed and take care of the chickens. 

The high level of safety in the home was highlighted; with one relative commenting: "As a family we feel it is safe here."

Inspectors commented on how the home encourages individuality and promotes choice. Residents are able to choose the colour theme for their bedroom, and the rooms are also personalised with treasured items and photographs. One relative said: "I really can't fault it…It gives me goose bumps talking about it, it is so good here.”

Mihaela Munteanu, the home manager, at Cherry Orchard was spoken highly of, with relatives saying that she is friendly and approachable. The report notes how the management team support each other daily; highlighting the home’s commitment to providing the very best care and support.