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Franklin House recognised for exemplary care


Franklin House has been recognised for its outstanding care of older people. 

The team at Franklin House was presented with the One Year Pressure Prevention award at a ceremony at the care home. 

The award was presented by the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), in collaboration with Hillingdon TVN (Tissue Viability Nurses) and Hillingdon CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group), which set up the prevention scheme. Franklin House was one of the first homes to sign up for the Hillingdon-based landmark scheme. 

The unique scheme sees Tissue Viability Nursesworking in cooperation with local care homes, including Franklin House, to offer care teams pressure prevention training. The whole team at the home is involved in the pressure prevention process, from the housekeeping team to the home’s chefs, who use their expertise to provide adapted, tailored nutrition plans for every resident.

The one year award was presented to the home manager at Franklin House, Mathew V Mathew, by Collette Conway, the assistant director of nursing at CNWL, for his expertise in pressure prevention and his active involvement in this landmark trial for the past year.Care UK head office representatives were also in attendance, including Eileen Coyle Jones, regional director for West London; Darren Pitcher, lead quality development manager; Michael Daley, quality development manager and Hannah Lee, marketing manager.

Mathew V Mathew, home manager at Franklin House, said: “We take the care and comfort of the residents extremely seriously and are enormously proud of this award. It is wonderful for the hard working and dedicated team at Franklin House to be recognised for their conscientious and wholehearted commitment to the care of residents.”

Open to new residents

The Green, Off Rickards Close, West Drayton, Greater London, UB7 7PW

Franklin House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Day club