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Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre rated ‘good’ across the board

Care UK’s Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre in Kent has been rated ‘good’ across the board by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following a recent inspection by the national quality regulator.

The centre, which opened in 2005, was visited by CQC inspectors who reported on two core services – surgery and the outpatients/diagnostic imaging service. Both services were rated ‘good’ for being safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led.

Patient care and the cleanliness of the centre were noted, as was the compassionate response patients received when they need help and support. The inspectors also found good leadership, appropriate staffing levels and efficient systems.

Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre provides elective NHS treatment to patients in Rochester, Gillingham and Chatham. It carries out a range of procedures including minor orthopaedic surgery, ophthalmology procedures, general surgery such as hernia repair, varicose vein repair and the removal of skin lesions; urology and other minor procedures including cystoscopy, endoscopy, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy. Where a GP agrees that treatment is required, patients can ask to be referred to Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre for their treatment.

Hospital director Patricia Warwick said: “My thanks and congratulations go to our team who have, together, achieved this very pleasing result. What it means for local patients is that they can be confident of some of the best treatment and care in the area. The result is a reflection of the high standards of care and professionalism displayed by colleagues every day.”

In August Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre outperformed the national average against all PLACE criteria (Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment). The hospital achieved:

  • 100 per cent for cleanliness
  • 97.6 per cent for condition, appearance and maintenance
  • 92.1 per cent for disability provision.
  • 90 per cent for dementia provision
  • 87.5 per cent for privacy, dignity and wellbeing

In the NHS Family and Friends Test, where hospitals are assessed on the basis of whether or not a patient would recommend them, for the year to date Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre has achieved 100 per cent for day case care and 99 per cent for outpatient care.

Comments from patients include:

  • “The staff could not have been nicer.”
  • “My treatment was first class from start to finish.”
  • “You are a great team and I would be happy to come here again.”
  • “I would recommend Will Adams NHS Treatment Centre to anyone.”

More information about Care UK’s NHS treatment centres can be found on the Care UK Health Care website.