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Leamington Spa care home resident gets back on her feet

An 86-year-old woman has wowed care friends and family as she walks again after previously being confined to her wheelchair. 

Priors House resident, Mona Pratt, has reaped the benefits of activity based care, and seen a dramatic improvement in her physical abilities. 

Mona has had a new lease of life since moving to the care home in Leamington Spa, and regularly embraces a variety of activities, from music and dance to exercise classes and animal therapy.  

Born in 1929, Mona has lived in Leamington Spa all her life, and moved to Priors House in December 2014. When she arrived at the home, Mona was confined either to her bed or wheelchair and was very upset and feeling low. She was desperate to walk again and get back to the upbeat, happy lady she had always been. 

The team at Priors House created a development chart for Mona, including photos and dates to track her progress and to encourage her to keep striving for the end goal of walking again. 

Mona found a new determination to get back on her feet and became heavily involved in the care home’s Oomph! exercise sessions. 

After the first few classes, the difference in Mona’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing was phenomenal and she was described by others as a ‘ray of light’. It wasn’t long before Mona had adopted the role of assistant leader and started coming up with her own moves for the class. 

Through activity based care and the support of the Care UK team, Mona is now walking around the care home, something that was unimaginable when she first arrived at Priors House 19 months ago.

Jon Sneath, activities coordinator at Priors House said: “It is wonderful to see Mona’s transformation since taking part in the activities here at Priors House. She is a completely different person full of wit and encouragement for others when they are in need of a kind word – even the Care UK team!”

Mona said: “I love the independence activity based care has given me. I particularly love the singing classes, especially Tom Jones! 

“Through taking part in activities and fun exercise classes at Priors House, I can now get out and about regularly and be more sociable with other residents and the care team.” 

Jon added: “Mona took to the classes like a duck to water and has since gone on to spread the word at other Care UK homes, assisting with classes and leading enthusiastic sessions. The smile on her face when helping with the classes is priceless, she beams from ear to ear, cracks jokes and chats along with everyone.”

Activity based care plays a key role in the care provided for residents across all Care UK homes and goes a long way towards ensuring residents are living fulfilled, happy lives.