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Ipswich care home opens doors for community summer fete

Residents and colleagues at Asterbury Place care home are welcoming the community for an afternoon of family fun at their annual summer fete, in celebration of the home’s second anniversary since opening in July 2014.

The summer fete is on Saturday 9th July between 12 noon and 4pm.

Visitors can enjoy a barbecue lunch and ice creams prepared by the care home’s chef, as well as 1950s and 60s music from local band Ricochet. There will be also be a raffle, art and craft stalls, and traditional summer fete activities such as an egg and spoon race, skittles and pin the tail on Eeyore.

Christine Da Silva, home manager at Asterbury Place, said: “We’re really looking forward to celebrating our second anniversary at Asterbury Place with our friends, family and the local community. A fun-filled afternoon is planned and we hope to welcome many local people to join in with our celebrations.”