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An ‘eggstra-special’ day at Thorrington care home

The team at the Silversprings care home in Thorrington, near Colchester, are inviting the local community to join them for a ‘cracking’ day when they kick off their Easter celebrations with a fete on Saturday 26th March.

From 2pm-4.30pm, visitors can drop-in to the care home on Tenpenny Hill and join in a host of fun family-friendly activities. There will be a bouncy castle and face painting for younger visitors, as well as a raffle and refreshments.

Home manager, Maggie Ziemianska, said: “Easter is an important time of year here at Silversprings and many of our residents have lovely memories of celebrating Easter with their families. So as well as being great fun, our Easter fete is also a valuable reminiscence activity for those living with dementia.

“We are all looking forward to inviting family, friends and the people of Thorrington into our care home for what promises to be an ‘egg-cellent’ day.”

Open to new residents

Tenpenny Hill, Thorrington, Essex, CO7 8JG


  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club