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Double award success for Southampton healthcare professionals

The team at Southampton NHS Treatment Centre and Minor Injuries Unit won not one but two trophies at a national award ceremony recently as they beat off the competition among services which, in total, provide care for 19 million people.

Staff nurse Vysi Chasani won the Care UK Great Care Award after being nominated by colleagues for her inspirational attitude, her dedication to her patients and for always smiling. Hospital director Paula Friend said: “Vysi is a wonderful nurse who leads by example and who is very committed to providing our patients with the very best care.

“We were delighted when her name was announced and so were the patients when we returned to the centre. We all agree it’s a title she thoroughly deserves.”

Vysi said: “This has given me the motivation to do more and work harder. There were many nominations from across the country and I did not expect to win – I was very happy to be in the final.

“I would like to thank my colleagues who nominated me, the wonderful team at the treatment centre and the patients who make my work so rewarding.”

At Southampton’s Minor Injuries Unit, healthcare assistant Sam Wilson won the Health Support Worker of the Year Award after being nominated for her dedication to the wellbeing of people in the city both inside and outside of work. Penny Daniels, who runs the Minor Injuries Unit, said: “Sam deserves recognition for the ongoing high-quality care she gives to her patients. She works extremely hard and will often go above her required duties, including working extra shifts to cover holidays and sickness. Out of work, Sam continues this selflessness – on Christmas Day last year Sam gave up her own time to go out on the streets of Southampton to give food and clothing to the homeless.”

Sam said: “This means lots to me. I don’t go out of my way to do things – I automatically do them. I was told by the organisers that it was one of the most hotly contested categories so I am very proud to have won it on behalf of the MIU team.”