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Health centre inviting people for free HIV test

THE team at Brighton Station Health Centre is encouraging people to call in for a free HIV check as part of National HIV Testing Week (starting November 21).

The centre, in Queens Road, Brighton, will be hosting the screening week for NHS Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and it is hoped people most at risk of HIV will take the opportunity to take a test.

Carol Boyd-Jones, Service Manager at Brighton Station, said: “Brighton has the second highest prevalence of HIV outside of London. Early detection of HIV is critical as there is strong evidence that early intervention will improve health outcomes. Treatment has advanced significantly during the past 15 years so I would encourage people to have a test.

“Our centre is the only one in Brighton able to offer extended hours for HIV testing. The centre is open 8am-7pm, seven days a week, though the sexual health service is available for carrying out HIV testing between 8am-noon and 3-7pm. As the centre offers three different services, visitors wanting an HIV test can enjoy anonymity while sitting in the waiting area.

National HIV Testing Week is organised by HIV Prevention England (HPE), a partnership of organisations drawn from the voluntary, public and private sectors and managed by Terrence Higgins Trust.

The centre, which opened five years ago, is run on behalf of the local NHS by Care UK, one of the country’s leading health and social care providers. It is open 8am-8pm, 365 days a year for walk-in patients. These extended hours have also made it a very popular choice with patients who have chosen it as their registered GP surgery.