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Get your flu jab & protect yourself this winter

Colder weather is upon us and the nights are drawing in, so it’s really important to take time out, look after ourselves, and get protected from the flu. 

GPs in Brent are urging patients and members of the public most at risk of contracting the flu to protect themselves this winter by getting the vaccination.

Getting protected against flu could stop you from being seriously ill this winter. If you are over 65, have a long term health condition, or are pregnant, you can get the vaccination free from your local GP surgery.

For information about staying well this winter visit

Getting the flu jab could save you a stressful trip to A&E at one of the busiest times of the year.

GPs are also asking you to remember A&E is for emergency use. Make sure you choose the right care in Brent this winter

Dr Ethie Kong, Chair of Brent CCG, said:

“As the colder weather approaches, it’s time to think about staying healthy. Protect yourself this winter by getting the flu jab.

“If you are pregnant, aged 65 or over or if you have an underlying health condition such as long-term breathing difficulties or heart disease, it’s absolutely vital you get protected.

“For the most vulnerable, flu can be very serious – getting protected could save your life.

“If you would like more advice about the flu jab, please visit your local GP surgery or local pharmacy.”