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Think about your sexual health

WITH national Sexual Health Week looming (September 14-20), a Brighton health centre is reminding people of the wide range of services it can offer local residents.

Brighton Station Health Centre in Queen’s Road is run on behalf of the local NHS by Care UK, one of the country’s leading health and social care providers. The centre offers a discreet and confidential sexual health clinic every day between the hours of 8am-7pm, with bookable and walk-in appointments. Walk-in appointments are available between 9am-12pm and again from 3pm-7pm. Pre-bookable appointments are available between 8am-9am and 1:30pm-3pm.

Services available include:

  • Long Acting Reversible Contraception (coils, implants, injections), or LARC, provided free
  • Emergency contraception is also available and can be subscribed at the centre
  • STI screening and treatment for first episode herpes, genital warts
  • Easy and accurate HIV testing. 

Dr Marjorie Gillespie, Primary Care Medical Director at Care UK, said: “I would encourage people to think very seriously about their sexual health and use this forthcoming week to take advantage of the wide range of services we offer at the centre.

“Brighton has the second highest prevalence of HIV outside of London. Early detection of HIV is critical as there is strong evidence that early intervention will improve health outcomes. Treatment has advanced significantly during the past 15 years so I would encourage people to have a test. It’s a pin-prick blood test which gives an immediate indicative response. If this is positive, further blood tests can be carried out.

“Our centre is the only one in Brighton able to offer extended hours for HIV testing. Also, because the centre offers three different services, visitors wanting an HIV test can enjoy anonymity while sitting in the waiting area.”

Further information can be obtained and appointments made by telephoning 0333 321 0946.