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Think about your sexual health

A STOKE Newington health centre is urging people to put their sexual health at the top of the agenda next week, which is national Sexual Health Week (September 14-20).

Dr Marjorie Gillespie is Primary Care Medical Director at Care UK, which runs Tollgate Lodge Healthcare Centre in Stamford Hill on behalf of the local NHS. She said sexual health is a very important issue and reminded people the centre offers contraceptive advice including emergency contraception.

“STIs (sexually transmitted illnesses) can be very nasty and, as always, prevention is better than cure. Members of our nursing team can offer advice on contraception, carry out cervical screening and, where necessary, signpost people to other sexual health services locally,” said Dr Gillespie.

Tollgate Lodge Healthcare Centre is open for registered patients Monday to Friday 8am-6.30pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 10am-6pm. Further information about registering as a patient can be obtained on 020 7689 3140.