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Making the right choice – choosing when and where you have NHS treatment

Pamela Mackie, Hospital Director at Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre, explains how you can choose where and when you receive NHS treatment for elective surgery and procedures

Did you know that as an NHS patient you can choose when and where you receive NHS treatment? The way in which you used to be able to choose where you were treated was called Choose and Book, but in June of this year that was replaced with the NHS e-Referral Service which allows you as a patient to choose where and when you receive NHS treatment.

What is the NHS e-Referral Service?

When you and your GP decide that you need an elective procedure or surgery, you can choose not only the hospital or clinic you go to, but also when you have that treatment. Your GP should offer you a choice of options including Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre. Via the NHS e-Referral Service you should be able to book when and where you receive treatment while you are with your GP. This means that you can get treatment at a time and place to suit you.

What else do I need to know?

The NHS e-Referral Service will also give you the ability to: plan and manage the first appointment around any existing appointments; choose appointments that fit with your carer's schedule; and check the status of your referral and change or cancel your appointments easily over the phone or on the internet.

What if I’m not connected to the Internet, or I want to think about where and when I receive my treatment?

You do not have to make the decision there and then while you see your GP – you can go away and book your treatment from home and your GP will give you a password to use. You can do this by visiting or if you do not have access to the internet, by calling the appointment line on 0345 6088888.

How does it work?

The NHS e-Referral Service shows you and your GP which hospitals or clinics are available for your treatment, including Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre, and how long the waiting time is for each provider to the first appointment. At Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre your first appointment will be typically two weeks from when you book, with typically a further six to nine weeks from your first appointment until your treatment. Your GP should discuss with you the options that are available for treating your medical condition and provided it is for a procedure we carry out, Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre should be part of that choice.

The benefits of the NHS e-Referral Service

  • You can choose any hospital in England funded by the NHS (this includes NHS hospitals, hospitals carrying out NHS treatments and run by independent sector, such as Emersons Green NHS Treatment Centre, and some independent hospitals)
  • You can choose the date and time of your appointment;
  • You experience greater convenience and certainty. With the NHS e-Referral Service, the choice is yours; and
  • There is a reduced risk that correspondence gets lost in the post as most of the communication is done via computers

To find out more, please call us on 0117 906 1801 or visit our website for more information.