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Kingsfield care home hosts special spiritual day for resident

Care UK’s Kingsfield care home in Faversham, Kent, hosted a special day for resident, Roy Griffiths, earlier this month – his confirmation.

Roy was joined for the ceremony by family and friends, including other Kingsfield residents, as well as the Rt Revd Trevor Willmott, Bishop of Dover, who performed the ceremony.

The occasion was made even more significant for Roy as his daughter Donna flew in especially from Dubai to join him and be part of the day.

Speaking after the ceremony, Roy said he was, “overjoyed, especially as my family and friends have been able to join me.” Daughter Donna said it had been “a beautiful service – very well put together – and the staff team did a brilliant job organising the day.”

The day was organised by Rev Dr Douglas Turton of St Mary’s Church, Faversham, as well as Nichole Davison, Jackie Rook and Lisa Hutton, activity coordinators at Kingsfield care home. Nichole had never been to a confirmation but said she, “found it amazing and an usual event for us to organise at the care home.”

The Kingsfield team laid on a finger buffet for after the ceremony, the centrepiece of which was a showstopping confirmation cake – organised by Nicole and her team – complete with flowers, doves, a cross and tongues of fire, representing the Holy Spirit.