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Help is at hand for hearing aid users in Framlingham

People in Framlingham are being encouraged to visit Care UK’s new Mills Meadow care home for free advice, maintenance and repair to hearing aids.

The hearing aid clinics, run by the Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service, take place at Mills Meadow care home on Fore Street in Framlingham on a bi-monthly basis, with the next clinic to be held on 13th April.

Sue Hill, manager at Mills Meadow, said “The hearing aid clinic is very popular here at Mills Meadow and we are delighted that the Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service offer such a valuable amenity to the Framlingham community.”

Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service’s trained staff and volunteers provide a re-tubing, cleaning and battery change service as well as helpful advice and guidance on hearing loss. Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service is a registered charity, supported by Suffolk County Council, and it provides hearing aid clinics free of charge.

The next hearing aid clinic at Mills Meadow will be held from 10am-12 noon on Monday 13 April, with the following clinic held at the same time on the 8 June. No appointment is necessary and all are welcome to attend.

The hearing aid clinic has been held at Mills Meadow since the first residents moved into the newly redeveloped home in October 2014. Residents and their relatives from Lehmann House care home in Wickham Market look forward to making use of the clinic once they move in in September 2015, after the second phase of the re-build, and the adjacent day club, are complete.

For more information about Suffolk Hearing Advisory Service visit

Open to new residents

Fore Street, Framlingham, Suffolk, IP13 9DF

Mills Meadow

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Day club
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care