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Southampton NHS Treatment Centre rated amongst highest in the country

The team at Care UK’s Southampton NHS Treatment Centre has been ranked as one of the best performing using the Government’s preferred measure of patient satisfaction.

The centre, in Brintons Terrace, scored 99 per cent in the friends and family test putting it 8th in a national list of independent and NHS hospitals. The scores have been collected monthly since April 2013 and 99 per cent of the Southampton centre’s patients reported in November that they would be ‘extremely likely’ or ‘likely’ to recommend the centre to friends and loved ones requiring treatment.

The centre also scored highly on the Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), which are collected by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The measure uses the Oxford Scores system focusing on joint function and pain. The scoring also includes questions about patients’ mobility and factors such as ability to navigate stairs and use transport specifically affected by the hip or knee.

The PROMS outcomes at the Southampton centre were 22.2 for hip replacements putting it in the top 50 national independent and NHS services.

Hospital director Paula Friend said: “I am very pleased at the results. To know that 99 out of everyone100 visitors have been so impressed at the treatment and care they receive they would recommend us to a loved one is really very rewarding.

“The team work hard to ensure that every patient has a good experience of the service and that their medical outcomes are the best possible. I think their warm smiles and first rate professionalism inspire confidence in the patients they serve,”

The top 50 tables are compiled by the NHS Partners Network and NHS Confederation.