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Hyde care home wins seal of approval from national care watchdog

Care UK’s Riverside care home in Cheshire has been given the seal of approval by a national care watchdog.

At an unannounced visit by the Care Quality Commission, inspectors found that the home in Manchester Road meets the Government’s five standards of quality and safety which are:

  • Treating people with respect and involving them in their care
  • Providing care, treatment and support that meets people's needs
  • Caring for people safely and protecting them from harm
  • Staffing
  • Quality and suitability of management

During their visit to the home, which provides specialist care for older people, some of whom have dementia or specialist nursing needs, the inspectors talked informally to the team, residents and their families, and examined the home’s administrative systems and processes.

Manager Karen Wilson said: “I am delighted that we reached the high standard set out by the Government and CQC.”

When speaking to resident’s and their families, inspectors heard about the high levels of care provided at Riverside and particularly noted that there was “good communication used by staff” which meant that “people were cared for in a way that promoted their privacy and dignity”. Some other comments to inspectors about the home included that “it’s fantastic care here” and another relative saying “The staff are really good and they listen to me. I can talk with them and they answer all my questions.”

Karen said: “Everyone at Charlotte House, including the kitchen and maintenance teams, strives to ensure that we create genuinely individual care for each resident.

“To do that, we ensure we get to know each person, their history and their interests, so that we can tailor each care plan to maintain their independence, life skills and sense of wellbeing.”