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A farewell and thank you from Eccleshill NHS Treatment centre manager Chris Wardman

Patient appointments have been gradually reduced over the past few weeks to ensure that everyone’s  treatment and follow-up has been completed by the 7th July when the Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre finally closes.

Now that the last few procedures have been completed, sadly, we won’t be seeing any more patients. Given that the centre will be almost empty, we have allowed most of the team to leave.  A small number of senior managers will be here until 7th July to prepare everything ready for handing back to the NHS commissioners.

Care UK has offered a huge amount of support to my colleagues who have been delivering such great care here at Eccleshill. Over the past few weeks Care UK has paid for career consultants to offer help and advice to every team member who wanted it and also given people time off during the working week to go for interviews. As a result, I’m really pleased that, already, 72 per cent of my team have already secured permanent new jobs, most in healthcare locally.  A few more have decided to retire and some have chosen to take a little time off before searching for a new role.

I’m very proud of the way that my team has rallied round and continued to provide great patient care at a very difficult time.  It’s great news that the vast majority of colleagues who wanted a job have been able to find one and I’d like to wish those still looking the very best of luck with their search for a new opportunity. I’d also like to thank all those people in the Eccleshill area and local GPs who have sent us kind messages about the centre.