Home news
Feb 04, 2014
Residents at Broadwater Lodge had fun recently when they were visited by students from nearby Broadwater School.
The Year 11 students who are studying the community as part of their special sciences lessons had been looking for opportunities to make a difference in the community and saw Broadwater Lodge as the perfect place.
The enthusiastic young people encouraged the residents to join in a variety of activities as part of National Doodle Day. Everybody loves to doodle, although we don’t realise we’re doing it until we look down at what was once a blank page to see an array of patterns and shapes covering it -which is why doodling is deemed to be therapeutic. The doodle board created by both students and residents certainly showed some very creative and artistic personalities!
They also spent time chatting to the residents, painting heart shapes which were to be used later to commemorate the British Heart Foundation’s ‘Pump the Heart Day’ , and icing cakes for a tea party.
Naomi Thomson, Head of Humanities thanked the home for welcoming the pupils and commented that they gained so much from the time spent with the residents.
All in all, a fun-filled day of laughter and activity was enjoyed by both young and old alike.
Summers Road, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3BF
Broadwater Lodge
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