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Crabbe Street Wellbeing Centre offers new bathing service

In the last few weeks we have started offering a bathing service to residents of Crabbe Street Care Home, customers of our day centre and residents in the local community. This service is ideal for people who enjoy a bath and who need help getting in and out.

So far the service has been warmly received by visitors of the day centre and we have also seen several people visit solely for the use of our new facilities. For some people who live at home in the local community, they do not have the same facilities as us for having a bath.  Our bath is very accessible, including a chair and bath hoist. Despite having ensuites in their rooms, some of the residents of Crabbe Street care home also choose to use our new service.

Yvonne Kane, manager of Crabbe Street Wellbeing centre added:

“This is a much needed service, which provides the luxury for some people to have a bath that otherwise couldn’t. A lot of people do not have the technology to have a bath and this is a good alternative. The bathroom is located outside the unit, so it not intrusive to people who live in the care home”.