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Lowestoft Signing Choir visit Blyford wellbeing centre

Blyford wellbeing centre on Blyford Road in Lowestoft hosts a wide range of activities and entertainment, but recently customers at the day care centre enjoyed something different. The Lowestoft Signing Choir visited the centre recently, where customers and Care UK colleagues enjoyed a special sign language performance of familiar songs.

The signing choir has a total of 45 members who have a varying range of hearing difficulties and/or connections to Lowestoft’s Deaf Community, either through family or friends who are deaf or working with people who have hearing difficulties. The choir’s aim is to raise deaf awareness in the community whilst promoting British Sign Language, which they use to perform popular songs, hymns and carols.

Amanda Smith, manager at Blyford wellbeing centre, said: “Customers and colleagues at Blyford wellbeing centre, and some residents from the adjacent Blyford care home, all thoroughly enjoyed the choir’s performance. We are grateful for their visit and would love to see them at the centre again”.

Care UK’s wellbeing centres across Suffolk offer flexible, activity-based day care from Monday to Friday. The centres are for older members of the community with Alzheimers and other forms of dementia, and those who are still living at home but may require support and assistance during the day. For more information on Blyford and Care UK’s other wellbeing centres and residential services in Suffolk please visit: or call Care UK direct on 0333 321 8305.