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Care UK invites Suffolk people to name two new care homes

Communities in Ipswich and Haverhill are being urged to get their thinking caps on to help Care UK name two more of its new homes and wellbeing centres.

The homes are to be built at Alnesbourn Crescent in Ravenswood, Ipswich and on the former site of Chalkstone Middle School on Millfields Way in Haverhill, both of which will open towards the end of 2014

Chris Hopkinson, Regional Operations Director at Care UK said: “We hope that local people will come up with interesting suggestions which will stand the test of time.”

He added: “Suffolk is an area rich with history, culture and community spirit and we really hope this opportunity will fire people’s imagination and creativity. Whether local people are inspired by famous figures of the county, key milestones in a town’s history or a family or community story, Care UK welcomes all suggestions and we are looking forward to uncovering some interesting tales.”

Entry forms can be downloaded from The deadline for entries is midnight on 20th September 2013 and the top three suggestions for Ipswich and Haverhill made by members of the public will receive £100 ‘Love2Shop’ vouchers. The final shortlist will feature suggestions from the public, the Care UK team and Care UK residents and their relatives, with a final choice being made in October.

Local people have already helped to find names for three other new homes to be built in Suffolk. The winning names were Asterbury Place for the new home being built in the Chantry area of Ipswich, Mildenhall Lodge for the new home on the former site of Great Heath Primary School in Mildenhall and Britten Court for the new home in Lowestoft.