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Unique mental health recovery service gets underway in Sussex

Adults recovering their mental health and wellbeing will benefit from a ground-breaking new partnership announced today by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Care UK.

There is a real need for more rehabilitation and recovery-based care for people with mental health conditions to help them live more independently.

Sussex Partnership and Care UK are working together to develop these services.  Two projects are already under way.  One is a new development to provide a home for up to 24 people in Crawley Road, Horsham.  The other is an existing 32-place facility at Nelson House, Gosport, which will now be operated by the new partnership.

Lisa Rodrigues CBE, Chief Executive of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said: “We have a track record of helping people to recover their mental health and wellbeing and live full lives as members of their local community.  This new arrangement with Care UK means we will be able to support more people and give them hope for the future.”

Dr Alison Rose-Quirie, Care UK’s managing director of mental health services said: “We believe that this joint venture is the first of its kind in the country. Our partnership brings together the best of the NHS and the independent sector for the benefit of those who will use our services”

Care UK and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust have formed a joint venture company, Recovery and Rehabilitation Partnership Ltd, to develop these services.  It is the first time that an NHS mental health foundation trust and an independent sector provider of mental health and social care services have combined their strengths in this way.

Together, Nelson House, Gosport and Crawley Road, Horsham represent a new and exciting development in these services in the south east.