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Lehmann House gets a visit from Suffolk MP Dr Dan Poulter

Suffolk MP Dr Dan Poulter paid a visit to Lehmann House recently to spend some time with residents and colleagues.

The MP, who arrived at the care home at around 3pm, spent time touring the home, chatting with members of the team and enjoying afternoon tea with the residents. He also took the opportunity to read the care home notice board which featured a number of thank you letters from residents’ family members.

After the visit, home manager Marie Turner received a thank you letter from Dr Poulter, who said: “It was a great pleasure to meet the residents and I was very pleased to see some familiar faces from my last visit. As always I was extremely impressed at how happy and contented residents are, all thanks to the excellent care they receive from the Lehmann House team.”

Dr Poulter will officially open the Lehmann House summer fete which will take place on 13th July.

The day will include a variety of fun games and stalls and will involve residents, relatives and the Wickham Market community.