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Dermot and the Cheshire Cat make Dignity Action Day special

National Dignity Action Day on Friday 1st February is designed to help us all celebrate and discuss dignity in care, but the team at St Peter’s Court think dignity is so important they are not leaving it to just one day.

Activities Coordinator Bev Thurston explained: “We have already created a dignity tree, which is on display in the reception area. The leaves have been written on by relatives and team members and they explain what people think dignity is.

“The residents are now going to create Dignity Dermot, a peacock whose tail-feathers will be made out of residents’ green and blue handprints. The residents will then write on the ‘feathers’ their thoughts on dignity.”

But that is not the end of the story, as a large purple Cheshire Cat will appear in the dignity tree. Bev said: “It is also storytelling week and we will be looking at Alice in Wonderland and so we decided to have a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, with lots of people in costume, on Friday 8th February, as a fun way to round up our thoughts and work about dignity.”

Interim Manager, Regina Mparutsa said: “Taking action to promote and demonstrate dignity helps us to not only make this a truly memorable day for residents, but it also ensures dignity each and every day.”