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The perfect start to Christmas

What could be better than to settle down on Christmas Eve in front of a choir to hear carols and festive poems?  That is how Franklin House started its Christmas celebrations, thanks to some of the talented team and residents.

Just before Christmas, Lola Krasser,Senior Activities Coordinator, talked to the team and the residents about how they would like to celebrate Christmas. The home already has a busy schedule of events and activities but Lola wanted everyone to get involved with a new challenge.

Lola said: “After a discussion, we decided that we would like to form a choir that could perform for everyone on Christmas Eve to get us in the spirit for Christmas.”

Six carers, three residents and the daughter of one carer joined in the rehearsals and on Christmas Eve they performed for all the residents and their relatives. Lola said: “It was beautiful. Everyone had a wonderful time and they enjoyed joining in with much-loved carols and listening to the poetry recitals.

“It was such a great success that all the choir members have agreed we will be performing again next year.”

Open to new residents

The Green, Off Rickards Close, West Drayton, Greater London, UB7 7PW

Franklin House

CQC Rating: Good
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Residential care
  • Day club