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Friends across the generations

A shared love of music has led pupils from The Ramsey College, in Halstead, to strike up a friendship with visitors to a day club for older people in the community.

What started as a one-off visit from music students from the school to entertain guests at Care UK’s Maplestead Day Club has grown into an ongoing link and organisers hope that both young and old will gain from the tie.

Day Club Manager Catherine Anderson-Mills explained: “The students kindly came to gives us a taste of a concert they will be performing at school. The residents loved it, especially one boy’s rendition of ‘Cry me a River’, which was stunning.

“They spent lots of time talking to our guests and it worked so well that the school has agreed to make it a monthly event.”

The day club, in Dame Mary Walk, welcomes visitors from throughout the Halstead community, including many who are living with dementia.

Catherine added: “We are very happy about this new link and we hope that the students will learn something about the many myths that surround dementia and that our Maplestead guests learn something about what it is like to be a teenager today.

“We also hope to visit the college to see the differences in education from when our guests were at school.”

Teacher Sam Patching, who organised the visit, said: “It was a pleasure to be invited by Catherine to perform for her day club visitors. Our students really enjoyed the evening and are keen to perform on a regular basis.”