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Clean bill of health for Bradford care home

Following an unannounced inspection by the Care Quality Commission, Care UK’s Mill Lodge in Bradford, has been found to be fully compliant with government standards and was found to be meeting all the standards tested by inspectors.

As the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England, the CQC sets standards for care homes and services in people’s own homes as well as hospitals, ambulances and dentists.

Inspectors judge services based on seven criteria:

  • Respecting and involving people who use services
  • Care and welfare of people who use services
  • Meeting nutritional needs
  • Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
  • Management of medicines
  • Staffing
  • Complaints

During their visit to Mill Lodge, inspectors met residents, relatives and the care team and examined the homes administrative systems and processes.

They found Mill Lodge was fully compliant with all the standards and made no special recommendations that further improvements were made.

Home manager Jean Cadman said:“Well done to all of our staff that made this possible, thank you for all of your hard work over the last year. We are extremely pleased to be fully compliant and we will ensure we exceed these high standards in the forthcoming year”

The full CQC report is now available online, visit: