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We make another dream come true

At Hinton Grange, we like dreams, in fact the only thing we love more is making them come true and this time it was the turn of resident Carol Jackson.

Carol, a life-long Cambridge United supporter, had a dream, she wanted to go and see a game and get a kiss from a good-looking player – and her dream came true when she met goalkeeper Craig Ross.

Manager Sam Lambourne said: “Just because you move into a care home doesn’t mean you have to give up your ambitions; in fact what it means is that you have a team who are dedicated to helping you fulfil them.

“Carol joined us in 2011 and she told us about her love of football and in particular her love for our local side. So our activities coordinators arranged the trip and Carol not only got to enjoy a cracking game and the traditional half-time refreshments but she made a new friend too!”

Carol said: “It was just a perfect day.”