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Music across the generations

Music and fun bridged the generation gap with a special event at a Halstead care home.

Mums and toddlers were invited to take part in a fun music-making session together with residents at Care UK’s new care home, Colne View.

The session, called Bridging the Gap, saw a number of young visitors arrive at the Colchester Road home on Friday to meet residents and get involved in a session of making music together, singing and playing instruments.

Led by Anita Albrey, of Cheeky Chimps, the session proved to be an ideal opportunity to bring different generations together.

Colne View Activities Coordinator Carol Atkins said: “It was a great opportunity for three generations to mix and have fun. Many of our residents are grandparents and even great-grandparents – they loved to have the opportunity to see the little ones playing and to have a chat with their mums.

“The whole place was buzzing and just felt so full of life and energy, it was a really lovely afternoon. It was also really nice for the mums to meet each other for the first time and chat, some of them stayed to have a drink in our coffee shop after the session.

“Everyone really got a lot out of the afternoon, so we’re looking forward to keeping them going.”

The Bridging the Gap sessions will be taking place each Friday, from 1.30pm until 2.30pm at Colne View until October 12 and places can be booked by calling Anita Albrey on 07810 801962.