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"I would certainly recommend the Treatment Centre!"

After visiting her GP, Emma Dallow, a Staff Nurse from Southampton General Hospital was referred to Southampton Treatment Centre for her care.

Emma said ‘I visited my GP who gave me the choice of where to go for my treatment and I chose Southampton Treatment Centre as it was so convenient to get to.’ 

‘I then came for my initial consultation and was booked in for a minor diagnostic treatment a few weeks later.’ Emily was provided with all the information she needed for her next appointment.

‘When I came for my treatment everyone was very helpful and professional. I found it especially strange as I am used to giving the treatment because I’m a Staff Nurse, however, everyone made me feel at ease throughout my procedure. All the staff gave me the space I needed to feel comfortable and helped to maintain my dignity so I didn’t feel exposed.’

Within a couple of days, Emma was feeling back to normal again. ‘I feel fine now and I wanted to thank all the staff involved in my procedure. I would certainly recommend the treatment centre.’