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Week of celebrations at Hinton Grange

Jubilee activities at Hinton Grange began on May 28th with a craft session where we made our own crowns ready for the street party with prizes for the best ones.

This was followed by a prize quiz after lunch based on the queen. 

On Tuesday  we held a garden party where the ladies wore hats as if they were attending a Buckingham Palace Garden Party.  Some residents who have been to a palace garden party   were able to tell us how it should be done.

Wednesday was a coffee morning with scones cream and jam and entertainment from our our regular visiting organist.  

We had a screening of  “The Queen”, on Thursday complete with  popcorn, ice cream and soft drinks.

Friday included a pampering day for men and women where we turned our hair salon into a pamper shop and barber shop in preparation for our big event on the 5th.

Saturday and Sunday were all about classic British food including pie and mash and a great Sunday roast with all the trimmings.

We had a sing along on Monday before the main even on Tuesday when we watched the celebrations on TV and tucked into a massive buffet with hot and cold foods.  We were then entertained for two hours by one of the care staff, Kirsty Wright who has starred in the West End on numerous occasions.