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Dignity in Care Day Wednesday 1st February 2012.

In line with Eccleshill Treatment Centres mission to make sure that every single patient that attends the centre feels that they really matter and that they experience a service which upholds their dignity and respect at every stage of their care and treatment .Eccleshill Treatment Centre held an awareness day in the Centre's reception to raise both staff and patients awareness of the many issues associated with Privacy and Dignity in Healthcare provision.
The event ran from 10am to 4pm and provided refreshments for everyone attending that day, with a local florist providing Spring flowers and plants.  This all contributed to an atmosphere that helped the staff to engage with the patients and visitors and encouraged them to contribute their thoughts and wishes on dignity for them, when attending the Centre.
There was a display of pictures and words expressed by both staff and patients on their perception of dignity, with an invitation to patients to fill in a card, stating their hopes and expectation in relation to their care.  These will be used to form future initiatives in the Centre so that we reflect more accurately how people expect to be treated at Eccleshill.
The day was very enjoyable and ideas from the day will definitely improve the patient experience, as well as ensuring staff's understanding of what dignity means to the individual was enhanced.

Chris Wardman
Clinical Operation Manager