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Eccleshill Treatment Centre voted cleanest Hospital in the Country

Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre has been awarded 'Best Cleaned Premises - Healthcare Establishment, in the Golden Services Awards 2011.

Care UK prides itself on delivering high standards of patient care in clean, clinical environments. We have had no cases of MRSA and maintain low post-op infection rates across all seven treatment centre's.

Reducing the risk of infection and Healthcare Acquired infections (HAIs) is a vital component of care at Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre and there is a robust infection prevention programme in place to ensure that this remains a high priority at all times.

Pauline McQuillan, from Bradford District Care Trust, said: "As a team we work hard to maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment to enhance patient experience and we're thrilled our work has been recognised at the highest level. We're absolutely delighted to have received such a prestigious award.