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Survey shows mums-to-be wait longer to share news

Three months, or following the twelve week scan, has traditionally been the point when expectant mothers celebrate their pregnancy, but a recent survey, commissioned by medical ultrasound service Baby Premier, suggests that expectant mothers are becoming more cautious of sharing their news earlier.

Pregnant women are more aware that there are still risks later in pregnancy, and with the average age of mothers rising, women are also more knowledgeable of the potential health risks associated with having children later in life.

Patricia Warwick, General Manager at Baby Premier, said, "Pregnant women today are very savvy about health in pregnancy and are interested in carefully monitoring the development of their baby.

"Many of our patients at Baby Premier choose to wait to share their news until a little later in their pregnancy when they have had further scans and feel more reassured everything is going well during their pregnancy."

The survey of more than 400 women also found that only 16% of women would celebrate their pregnancy in their first two months.