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Picnic time for teddy bears

There was fun for all the family at the Teddy Bears’ Picnic on 17 August, including a bouncy castle, teddy bear competitions, face painting, ice creams, entertainment and much more.

The home’s manager Gary Briggs said that around 100 guests (and a number of their favourite bears) had taken part in the picnic:

"Our residents loved having all the children and visitors around and they had a great time, joining in the fun and reminiscing about their own childhood toys and games."

The state-of-the-art home opened earlier this year and provides nursing and residential care for 90 elderly people, including those who are physically frail or have dementia.

Gary added: "My team at Harry Sotnick House, and all the staff across Care UK’s 60 residential homes, are dedicated to providing excellent care for our residents. Each is a unique individual and we do our best to ensure they can keep up their hobbies and  interests and live life the way they want. We all had a great time - planning for the big day, making decorations for the house and gardens, and enjoying a lovely afternoon in the sunshine."