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Direct Listing - a new process for referring patients for Surgery

We are currently in the process for agreeing new pathways for Direct Listing of patients requiring surgery resulting in no payment for second outpatient appointments.

As part of an initiative with local independent hospitals across the region, our direct listing pilot starts in August with our Upper Limb clinics running in Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale PCT.  This initiative is in addition to the existing direct listing available for Gynae patients working with Pennine Gynaecologists in the north east of the region.  Direct Listing will extend to other specialties and other parts of the region as the service develops.

The new pathways will give patients the option of a swift route to surgery, bypassing additional outpatient appointments, saving the NHS valuable budget and the patient having extra appointments.

In addition, the processes we are developing mean the patient has to provide the pre-operative information only once, as the surgical provider will receive all information in an electronic format, accessible to their own Patient Management System.

We are very interested in talking to any acute providers about working on Direct Listing pathways with GM CATS.