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The Royal Wedding

Silversprings enjoyed a fantastic Royal wedding party on the 29th April. Staff helped residents transform the home into a street party theme,with bunting and flags decorating the lounge and dining areas. Residents put together a menu of traditional food they each helped bring to the party, ranging from home made sausage rolls to fancy cupcakes and rhubarb crumbles.

Entertainment was provided by the Swingtime Sweethearts, a wartime and swing duo who sang classics from the 1940’s including the Andrews Sisters, Vera Lynn and Ella Fitzgerald. Dancing and games carried on throughout the day with highlights from the wedding in the evening, finishing the day perfectly.

A great time was held by all,with various residents happily recalling similar celebrations with peace parties held on VE day and the Queen’s coronation. One resident commented, ‘with all the changes in the world it is good to see some traditions carry on, it has been so nice to celebrate and be part of the community again.’


Open to new residents

Tenpenny Hill, Thorrington, Essex, CO7 8JG


  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club